Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First impressions

  • I'm enjoying being able to go for a walk along all the great footpaths, and its weird that it gets dark so late at night.
  • I'm finding it a bit weird eating big chunks of meat that we have to cut up ourselves at the table, using a knife and fork.
  • Last night one of my new housemates asked if our other housemates were home. My eyes immediately went to the floor near the door to check if their shoes were there. (People take their shoes off at the door in Cambodia so I could always work out if Kimsoeun was home and if we had visitors.)
  • Drinking tap water
  • Using a bath mat. In Cambodia the whole bathroom is the shower, everything is wet.
  • Eating "normal" food.
  • Hearing lots of people speaking Aussie accents to each other all the time. About once a week in Cambodia I saw another Aussie, but usually only one at a time. I'm finding it amusing that there are so many people here, even on TV who speak with that accent. I find myself wanting to copy it and make fun of it. 

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