Monday, March 07, 2011

Went for a walk with Soeun


Soeun had his first day of his first intensive today. He has been in Australia for 2 weeks now and up til now it;s been hard. Mostly he has been tired and sick (his last few weeks in Cambodia were hectic), and then stressed about trying to get the pre attendance reading and writing done.

And actually I think he's still tired, but having the pre attendance essay out of the way makes things seem much better. As he came late and was sick it was frustrating as he didn't have as much time as he would have liked. He has written essay for a Bth before, but I guess the first time you do something for an MA its hard to know what the expectation is.

His family are going through some big changes at the moment. And some close friends in Cambodia are having some serious problems, so thats also been hard for him.

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