Tuesday, September 21, 2021

I can't access the news so I don't know today's SR tally.

It felt surreal on Saturday to hear a loudspeaker from outside telling us to stay in our houses. We already knew we were in Red Zone so it wasn't a surprise but still weird. Also, they said they were bringing us some covid medicine 

Our internet is still really patchy, since Thursday. Going in and out all day, can't use it for school or calls. It's ok for sending messages as the messages just sit there until it comes back on.

It's quite a weird feeling- we have to stay in our house as we are in Red Zone, and we have hardly any internet, so it's hard to know what is going on out there.

Most people around us earn and shop each day, so Red Zone means they are hungry. Luckily it's rainy season so there are leaves and fish, snails, crabs, etc around. It was much harder when we had a similar lockdown in the hot season. I saw a lady digging for a crab back then, she had to dig down a long way just to get one crab. In contrast to yesterday, there were groups of children running around looking for snails. 

Soeun and his sister have been growing veggies in our yard, and we usually eat them for our main meal each day so it's not so hard for us. We also have supermarket food stored in the fridge and in cans which is something others don't have. Also we had a warning before this started so Soeun was able to get two bags of rice, enough for us and to share. 

We have friends in hospital this week, hopefully, they can get out and get back home despite lockdown. 

In some ways it is a normal week for us. The children and I just keep doing school each morning, We can't use our online lessons, but we have plenty of other things to do. Soeun and the boy camping out the back are fixing the floor of the outdoor meeting room. 

So in some ways this week feels surreal and chaotic and in other ways it feels normal. 

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