Friday, February 01, 2019

Are you a big rice eater? {fmf}

... a one-word prompt every week, and you have the opportunity to free write for five minutes flat on that one word, then join the link-up...


It looked like such a small serving of rice, I had to laugh. Eating rice with my parents and siblings in Australia meant I had to ask for more.

It was such a confusing experience for me as when I'm in Cambodia with my in-laws they are always careful to serve me an extra small plate of rice.

I'm pretty sure I eat the same amount which ever place I'm in, but next to Cambodians I eat hardly any rice,  in contrast to Australians I'm used to a bigger serving of rice.

Its easy to talk about rice. Something obvious and tangible. There are so many other aspects of culture which are hidden below the surface. Out of sight, but they make up the bulk of the iceberg.

Depending on where you are, "normal" is different.  Its fun when you can see it and talk about it, like the rice. Not so fun when it unknowingly shapes communication.

So, am I a big rice eater? Well, depends on where I am.


Susan said...

I haven't quite figured out the "where" part = but I do like rice.

Katherine said...

Thanks Susan, maybe I should bring the "where"part out a bit more.

Misty Wagner said...

really thought provoking perspective! Super helpful! I'll be pondering my wheres today and really intentionally remembering it isn't the same for everyone.