Wednesday, May 05, 2021

54 cases altogether in our town

For ages we were sitting on 19, but in less than a week its gone up to 54. I've started riding again, although I can only seem to ride 10km max. The photo is from yesterday's ride to Angkor Thom. Meanwhile 3 digit numbers are still coming out of Phnom Penh but today was supposed to be the end of lockdown. I haven't figured out what this means, it seems Red and Orange zone still can't go anywhere. Although the curfew changed from 8pm-5am to 8pm-3am. We're well back into our Maths and English routine. I'm now learning about what I think we will use as our long term maths program. What I'm using as the backbone at the moment is for preschool to aboit year 2 I guess. Not that we really have grades in our homeschool.

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