Sunday, November 16, 2014


Often rubbish is just put out on the side of the road in plastic bags or piles. People and animals can be seen poking through it. In the past I've heard of people buying a rubbish bin to put their rubbish in, only to have it taken away as the collectors assume its part of the rubbish.

Its been nice these past 2 years to live in an area where a lot of people put their rubbish in a basket or bucket. The rubbish truck comes and the collectors empty the rubbish into the truck and leave the basket/bucket on the side of the road!

Still the dogs get into the bins and spread rubbish around occasionally. It can be pretty gross to come home and have to step over the dirty nappies to get inside!

And then last week our basket disappeared...I think the collectors dropped it in the wrong place, I walked around and saw some that may have been ours but not sure. So we have a new one now, but there were a few days when we just piled our rubbish up at our gate.

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