Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Magical month
That magical time of year when the weather is backwards.
My friends in Aus are complaining of the heat, apparently in the 40s. Meanwhile here in the tropics we are wearing all our clothes. That one time of year when we don't feel too hot.
In fact this week is actually uncomfortably cold! Made worst by the fact that I used lots of our clothes to pack the kitchen breakables (in lieu of bubble wrap), and we haven't built the kitchen cupboards yet, so we haven't unpacked all the plates yet. So we are cold.
I'm starting to feel used to our new routines. Where we lived before I could ride my bike home from preschool drop off and have over an hour of kid free time to do stuff on the computer and in the kitchen. Skype. Cook dinner. Talk to husband in full sentences.
But it feels like I've lost my exercise and my kids free time at home for now, so its a bit frustrating, but slowly working out new routines.
Kids still sick, a string of seemingly unrelated things. Five different skin issues. Various tummy things. We've talked about the new water and soil, maybe the sand, etc etc. Each illness is so minor and doesn't seem obviously connected to the other ones, but its been over a month and a half now.
And weirdly, I'm still not sick!! Despite being sleep deprived and surrounded by germs.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Adjusting: sickness...
I’m starting to feel like I might be superhuman.
Well, no, not really.
But we are very thankful and amazed that I haven’t been sick over the last
month. So many bodily fluids flowing
around me- green snot, yellow diarrhea and vomit (various colours); as well as
a few different rashes plus migraine and cold/flu symptoms.
Since we moved the 4 of us have been sleeping in one room
together while work continues on the house. Despite the continuous streams of
colour, and the sleep deprivation that comes when one quarter of your bedmates
are vomiting overnight and another quarter are coughing , I seem to have (so
far?!) escaped sickness.
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Storms are a migraine trigger, and this years storms extended a few more weeks than we expected. |
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Follow the Lamb
those who have received the mark of the beast on their foreheads
persecution and threat of martyrdom
the incompleteness of 666
the dragon and his first beast whose habitat is the
unruly sea
the Lamb who stands on firm and holy ground
the completeness of 144,000
the Lamb who stands on firm and holy ground
the completeness of 144,000
security in Mount Zion
those who have the name of the Lamb and of his Father
written on their foreheads
I really like how John Stott writes about the contrasts between Revelation 13 and 14 in the Bible study book we are using. These are all his phrases, I just rearranged them.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Reading Psalms at church
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Psalm 135. NIV & MSG |
Singing and Psalm reading are my favourite things at church these days.
Mostly Sundays are really hard. Between being non Khmer, a mother of young kids, a wife of a preacher/musician - there are so many factors that make church a completely different experience to how I used to think of it.
Singing and choral reading of Psalms seem to be the most enjoyable for me as a non native speaker. If the kids let me I can actually participate. Each week we read the next Psalm, so we can even be reading the Psalm though out the week as we know what is coming up.
Mostly I think of The Message as more poetic than translations ('worthless things' vs 'toys and trinkets' Ps 119:37) but in Psalm 135: 6 the NIV seems much more poetic to me.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Recording the "Firsts " before this time morphs into routine
Today is the first time I'm cooking pancakes since moving about 2 weeks ago!
I've mostly been eating bread, salad veggies, cheese, tinned tuna. I haven't really started cooking meals yet as we aren't unpacked or settled. But I have made hummus, egg salad and a chocolate cake in the rice cooker. No oven yet, a few essentials to get in place before getting the fun things.
We've never had a full size oven, they cost so much and I'm the only one so far who would really appreciate it, so hasn't felt like a good idea to spend the money. But with the kids getting older it might be worth it.
On Thursday I had my first walk to the market from here, our son helped me buy some veggies and fruit. The other day we had some friends over for lunch, our first white visitors (actually only one is barang).
Transport and daily routines still feel a bit all over the place.
If you look at my Instagram it turns out I've been mostly taking photos of the sky and mud, such a different and amazing view.
I've mostly been eating bread, salad veggies, cheese, tinned tuna. I haven't really started cooking meals yet as we aren't unpacked or settled. But I have made hummus, egg salad and a chocolate cake in the rice cooker. No oven yet, a few essentials to get in place before getting the fun things.
We've never had a full size oven, they cost so much and I'm the only one so far who would really appreciate it, so hasn't felt like a good idea to spend the money. But with the kids getting older it might be worth it.
On Thursday I had my first walk to the market from here, our son helped me buy some veggies and fruit. The other day we had some friends over for lunch, our first white visitors (actually only one is barang).
Transport and daily routines still feel a bit all over the place.
If you look at my Instagram it turns out I've been mostly taking photos of the sky and mud, such a different and amazing view.
Thursday, November 02, 2017
Sand and sawdust, endings and beginnings.
Chaos and change.
Random disjointed thoughts about this random disjointed time.
Sharing a kitchen with extra people and without a stove.
Teething problems with plumbing.
Getting used to an absence of rubbish collection, wifi and cable TV;
and a presence of big, fast vehicles on the road and wide open skies.
Weather changes, boat races, water running backwards.
Two big constant things ending,
not sure what the replacements will be like,
or even if there are replacements.
The start of the academic year in Cambodia,
the end of the academic year in Australia.
Sand and sawdust.
Living out of routine and out of boxes.
Random disjointed thoughts about this random disjointed time.
Sharing a kitchen with extra people and without a stove.
Teething problems with plumbing.
and a presence of big, fast vehicles on the road and wide open skies.
Weather changes, boat races, water running backwards.
Two big constant things ending,
not sure what the replacements will be like,
or even if there are replacements.
The start of the academic year in Cambodia,
the end of the academic year in Australia.
Sand and sawdust.
Living out of routine and out of boxes.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Dismantling our home
Even though I knew it was going to happen, somehow it was really upsetting to see Soeun taking apart our bed yesterday. Watching the legs come off the base of the metal frame as my husband unscrewed it, made me feel like our place of comfort was being dismembered. This week Velvet Ashes theme is chaos, very fitting for our week too.
This house move is different to many of our other moves.
I'm not pregnant this time, as I was the last two moves. We aren't needing to cull our belongings to fit in a 20kg bag as we do when we move internationally. And we're also not trying to get rid of things so everything will fit on one truck, like we did when we moved from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. And we don't even have a moving day, more like a moving week.
But its also the same as every other move.
Seeing all our belonging packed up, and moved around and out the door feels so disorientating, like we are dismantling our home. Packing and moving all the things in our home means the space where I feel comfortable and in control is disappearing. Living cross-culturally, so many things feel so chaotic. When I'm out and about in the crazy traffic and markets it can be exciting and stressful at the same time. Knowing I've got a calm, comfortable space to come home to means I can enjoy the chaos and be part of it more. And although we have somewhere else to go when we move out of here, it will be awhile before we are unpacked and settled. We'll be living out of routine and out of boxes. Suspended in limbo for an unknown amount of time.
A new place is hard to imagine, I'm not sure what to expect. New habits, new sounds, new routes to new shops. New ways to make sharing space and time work for me (an introvert from an individualist culture) and for all the other family members. And then even when we do settle in that place, it is still temporary.
Seeing my bed turn into a pile of pipes mostly feels like falling off a cliff but hopefully this is a reminder that we do have an eternal home.
This house move is different to many of our other moves.
I'm not pregnant this time, as I was the last two moves. We aren't needing to cull our belongings to fit in a 20kg bag as we do when we move internationally. And we're also not trying to get rid of things so everything will fit on one truck, like we did when we moved from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. And we don't even have a moving day, more like a moving week.
But its also the same as every other move.
Seeing all our belonging packed up, and moved around and out the door feels so disorientating, like we are dismantling our home. Packing and moving all the things in our home means the space where I feel comfortable and in control is disappearing. Living cross-culturally, so many things feel so chaotic. When I'm out and about in the crazy traffic and markets it can be exciting and stressful at the same time. Knowing I've got a calm, comfortable space to come home to means I can enjoy the chaos and be part of it more. And although we have somewhere else to go when we move out of here, it will be awhile before we are unpacked and settled. We'll be living out of routine and out of boxes. Suspended in limbo for an unknown amount of time.
A new place is hard to imagine, I'm not sure what to expect. New habits, new sounds, new routes to new shops. New ways to make sharing space and time work for me (an introvert from an individualist culture) and for all the other family members. And then even when we do settle in that place, it is still temporary.
Seeing my bed turn into a pile of pipes mostly feels like falling off a cliff but hopefully this is a reminder that we do have an eternal home.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Risky and yet not risky?
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Our fan broke in quite a dramatic way. With a loud noise the cover went flying off and the pieces of broken blade also ended up on the floor. |
On Wednesday morning I had to move away from the fan to turn the
page. The force of wind made the page flap rapidly and I couldn’t turn it as
normal. It reminded me of my crazy emotions, also flapping around rapidly,
and until recently preventing me from going forward.
What was that wind? Why was I so emotional?
I was at a crossroads and making the decision felt risky. It
would be wise to go down the road that leads to the relationships and resources
I rely on. I’ll have what I need. People
will see me as more responsible, it will be better for my reputation.
But the other road seems like the best use of gifts
and and the best way to care for family. But it seems like an option rebellious people
would take. Even though it seemed that is the best way I couldn’t imagine my
future if I chose that road.
But what do I mean by rebellious? What do I think I’m
rebelling against?What is rebellion in the Bible? If it is just the Christian culture and what people will think
of me that’s quite different to rebelling against God. In some cases these may
be in sync, but in this case it looks like they are opposites.
A Christian’s reputation might be important when there are non-believers
watching. Recently there were some workers who weren’t getting paid and they
thought it was because their Christian boss hadn’t paid the middle man. When in
fact the boss had paid and it was the middle man pocketing the money.
But when it is Christians putting “confidence in the flesh”
as Paul mentions in Philippians 3:4-6, reputation becomes a hindrance. Paul has
so much to be proud of and to rely on! “”… a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee;…”
Although seeings how I'm not a Jewish man, Amy Medina’s Confessions of a good girl makes a bit more sense:
up, I was the poster child for Good Christian Girls.
Straight-A student? Check.
Never listen to Madonna or watch 90210? Check, check.
Don't drink, smoke, or chew, or go with boys who do? Check, check, check.
I tutored inner-city kids. I helped to lead a Bible club for disabled teens. My ambition was to become a missionary, for crying out loud. I was oozing with goodness.
Straight-A student? Check.
Never listen to Madonna or watch 90210? Check, check.
Don't drink, smoke, or chew, or go with boys who do? Check, check, check.
I tutored inner-city kids. I helped to lead a Bible club for disabled teens. My ambition was to become a missionary, for crying out loud. I was oozing with goodness.
Is the wind that is
flapping about my emotions just my pride?
Do I need to turn away from that to
move forward?
I’m hesitant to post this as I’m still on a journey. But I
want to remember this in between moment; relieved to have decided but not yet
having to deal with consequences. Plus this week at Velvet Ashes is all about risk.
After the exhaustion leading up to this, there is
exhilaration of having jumped over a big hurdle.
Despite the unknowns of the future, I’m
enjoying finally having chosen the route that seems like the Reliable One would
want me to, not the one of the things I rely on .
It looks obvious like this but for a long time was blurred
by crazy emotions, reputation is more of a priority than it should be .
Risky and yet not risky.
Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
Proverbs 29:25
Monday, October 02, 2017
5 Things I like about living in Siem Reap (at the moment)
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This used to be our holiday destination- now we live here! |
1. The small town feel of bumping into the same people at the supermarket and kids playground, it feels like its easy to get to know people. There are only a handful of shops that sell foreign food, and only a few places to take kids to play- so I often see the same people again and again. Its a lovely community feel. Various nationalities, and it feels like there are quite a few mixed race families (or whatever the proper term is) too, our kids have many playmates who have one Khmer parent and one non-Khmer parent.
I think most expats I know in Phnom Penh are with Christian organisations. I feel like I have much more of a variety of expat friends here, compared to in PP. Might be more related to having kids than having moved to Siem Reap.
2. Yet, despite the small town-ness, I can still feel anonymous when I want to. The tourist industry is huge here, I can walk around in the restaurant district and feel like I'm on some exotic holiday.
3. After living in PP, its nice to live in a small town with less traffic and less flooding. It feels so much easier. More relaxed, less hassle to get around. More pleasant for bike riding- a river flanked by grass and tall trees is a much nicer environment than kilometres of busy dirty city.
4. And the whole reason we moved here has worked out too, better than we thought. Originally we wanted to move north as Soeun wanted to help church leaders in remote places by giving them ongoing training and chances to have fellowship. We had looked at living somewhere really remote- it would be a huge adjustment for me, and I'm not sure how I would cope, especially at this stage of life. Siem Reap seemed like a good place to live for the family, and at the same time quick and easy for Soeun to travel out.
However it turns out the church in town already has this set up, and the church leaders/students travel into town for classes. There are now also some other locations a bit out of town when classes are held as well. So Soeun is able to do the ministry he had hoped to do, but without leaving town too much. And if feels like it makes so much sense to join in what is already happening.
5. growing up in a country that has Christmas and then living in Asia, its been really weird. I remember my first Christmas in Asia, seeing people go to the bank and school etc on Dec 25th, it just seemed so wrong. Thanks to the tourist industry, Siem Reap feels Christmassy in December. We can catch a tuk tuk around and see the Christmas lights.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Grand Finale
It’s meant to unveil truths, which sounds like it should be fascinating
but it seems a jumble of nonsense.
It is part of God’s word so I know I need to read it but it doesn’t seem to teach me anything about God.
How on earth does it apply to me?
So many oblique references to the Hebrew Scriptures, but when you flip back it’s not exactly the same.
It’s hard to get interested.
We believe Gods word is full of life and power
which sounds exciting,
but it feels like reading it aloud to kids or unbelieving friends will probably either put them to sleep or freak them out.
Amazing Authentic
But when it comes to carefully studying the Revelation it does reveal the fascinating reality of another realm.
A peek into the throne room, the Lion/Lamb takes the scroll from the enthroned one.
Astonishing Astounding
It shows who God is and what he has done.
Brimming with relevance and things to learn.
A multitude washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,
The slaughtered Lamb who is the victorious Lion.
He who was, who is and who is to come
He is alive for ever and ever
And he holds the keys to death and Hades
Velvet Ashes this week is curious, which reminded me of late last year when the expat woman's Bible study groups started reading Revelation. We had come to the end of one study and choosing what to do next. One of the options was the final book of the Bible, it seemed like most of us weren't that familiar with it. With the help of John Stott, along with Jensen and Barnett we have been working our way through. Hopefully this expresses some of our journey from curiosity and confusion to excitement.
Thursday, September 07, 2017
Connecting and the letter O
Connecting is the Velvet Ashes theme for this week.
(I didn't really plan ahead for it but I ended up posting some photos from our time in Chiang Mai years ago. It felt like we had instant real community even though we had never been there before, and were only staying for a few months.)
(I didn't really plan ahead for it but I ended up posting some photos from our time in Chiang Mai years ago. It felt like we had instant real community even though we had never been there before, and were only staying for a few months.)
Motorbikes in Cambodia comfortably seat two people, but
actually carry five and a pig.
We have so many electronic ways to communicate; email, SMS,
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
If I want to talk to someone overseas I just need to figure
out if I want to Skype or use Messenger.
Communication is easy, fast and plentiful but can weigh us
It’s plain for all to see when I sit and when I rise, they
can perceive my thoughts from afar.
They can discern my going out and my lying down; they can be
familiar with all my ways.
The huge tip of the iceberg can be seen easily, but do we
assume the tip is everything?
Despite the bombardment, all the information is filtered,
cherry picked, out of context and decorated with sun rays.
A cool day in the tropics is considered a hot day elsewhere.
That one is easily measured and joked about, but often the importance of
context is invisible.
The abundance of communication can lead to miscommunication,
frustrations. We might think we understand but we might be building assumptions
around what we can see sticking out of the water.
He knows when I sit and when I rise, he perceives my
thoughts from afar.
He discerns my going out and my lying down; he is familiar
with all my ways.
See also Context is your friend
and for the flip side Home assignment actually at home![]() |
decorated with sun rays |
See also Context is your friend
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Same same but different
There were many surprises when I moved from China back to Australia. As I started interacting with Australians again I realised I’d taken on some foreign habits without being aware. I was reminded of this as Velvet Ashes is currently welcoming new cross cultural workers this month, in particular this week is Welcome to the Team.
“You’ve been to America,” my uncle exclaimed while we were eating a roast dinner.
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What do you call this? |
I have never been to America and I had no idea why he suddenly made that comment during the meal, seemingly out of nowhere.
He explained that I was using my knife and fork like an American, rather than eating the Australian way. I hadn’t even known that there was an Australian vs American way. (He lived in America for a year.)
I guess I unknowingly developed this habit while I was in China. There was a small group of expats in my town, mostly American. On Tuesday night I would usually eat at one of their places.
Apparently the “American way” is to cut food up with knife in your right hand and fork in left. When you've finished cutting put the knife down and hold the fork in your right hand, use it to get the food to your mouth. Australian way – cut and eat as you go, keeping knife and fork in their original hands.
While I had been oblivious to the different fork methods, it had been an adventure being in community with other expats. Most of them, like me were white, native English speakers. Compared to the millions of Chinese people around us, they were basically the same as me.
My American friends were the ones I talked to about most things and hung out with for fun. They were the ones I freaked out with when a strange new disease (SARS) shut the city down and caused chaos (Should we leave? Should we stay?). They were the ones who had good things like butter and Christmas celebrations. They were the ones who helped me work out what the university meant when it told me to teach “British and American Culture.”
But turns out they seem to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when I used the Aussie word for flip flops, and I still remember the way they looked at me when I offered them coffee that I had made in the plunger (they say French press, the word “plunger” is reserved for what they use to unblock the toilet).
But turns out they seem to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when I used the Aussie word for flip flops, and I still remember the way they looked at me when I offered them coffee that I had made in the plunger (they say French press, the word “plunger” is reserved for what they use to unblock the toilet).
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What do you call this kitchen utensil? |
I still quietly freak out when a friend tells me her son has a temperature of 102.
And I may look a bit confused when I hear “going back to school in the fall” as I’m scrambling to translate to myself what that means. Aside from the fact that "school" can mean university there's a few other things to convert as well.
This is what goes on in my brain : “So that means Autumn, which is March, no wait, their seasons are all back to front, must mean September. Why would they start school in September, that’s only a couple of months until the end of the year? Oh no wait, that’s the start of their school year.”
I had thought I might need to learn some Chinese to live in China- turns out I also needed to learn American.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Regaining focus and balance
This month on Velvet Ashes it is all about welcoming new cross cultural workers, in particular last week was focused on Welcome to Ministry Life. I'm a bit late to post, but here are my thoughts on this at the moment:
None of the events by themselves were big, so I didn’t notice at the time. We do have a couple of big stresses happening in the background at the moment, so I guess a few small ones didn’t really register with me.
I don’t even remember when it happened, but one night my
kindle screen stopped responding to touch. I didn’t really think to do anything about it, or
that it was a big deal. I think I just stopped reading before bed.
None of the events by themselves were big, so I didn’t notice at the time. We do have a couple of big stresses happening in the background at the moment, so I guess a few small ones didn’t really register with me.
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As my kids get older I'm enjoying being able to ride my bike again. |
Quietly the water in the taps dwindled and then disappeared
altogether. The next two weeks were filled with washing outside, carrying water
inside, waiting for people to come to fix the water pump, occasionally having
water inside until the tank emptied again, rejoicing that it was fixed
finally, but then twice it broke down again (for different reasons each time). Considering I spend most of my day looking
after snotty, muddy, partly toilet trained, sweaty kids, including cooking and cleaning up
after the huge mess of eating- water is quite important! It was an annoying fortnight, but then it was
During the tail end of the water pump debacle, one of our
kids had a bit of a temperature. I think it lasted about a week, but unlike
other times it wasn’t constantly high. So I didn’t really think of it as a
stressful event, it was like we barely noticed it (compared to those other
times when we are on the look out for other symptoms and wondering if its
going to be something exotic such as dengue fever). Then the other child became
feverish as well, also not constantly high, but spread over a week or so. There
was one night when he vomited a few times, but thankfully our water pump was
well and truly back in action by then. So it didn’t seem such a big deal.
And there was another scorpion inside, thankfully they only
seem to feel comfortable making themselves at home when Husband/Daddy the Scorpion
Slayer is around. I’ve yet to have to deal with one myself. Our preschooler now
knows what to call them, not “lobster” or “crab” as they have been mistakenly
identified as before. A lot less fanfare
accompanied this 4th scorpion, compared to the first one we found inside, so it
felt like a bit of a non-event.
And then there was the evening we lost a backpack, and the day I realised some old, good friends had not been on our newsletter list for a few years and none of us noticed.
And then there was the evening we lost a backpack, and the day I realised some old, good friends had not been on our newsletter list for a few years and none of us noticed.
Most of this was happening in July, I was kind of glad at
the time. I had more free time to deal with it all. My Bible study group didn’t
have its normal weekly meetings on, and friends I meet for almost weekly
playdates were also all out of town for The Summer. Less obligations – I thought
that would make life easier.
I was finding I was struggling each day, feeling stressed
and bored. I didn’t feel like I was
doing a good job of looking after our kids.
I was starting to think maybe we should reorganise things. I could be
doing more fun and fulfilling things than this. Looking after young kids each day has always
been a bit mundane, but it was getting to the point of too much (made even more
daunting by the fact that we are looking into home based education). I could probably hire people to do most of
what I do, so I could be free to do other things.
After talking with a group of Christian expat women I
stopped to think about our overall purpose and focus and realized I do actually
want to do what I’m doing now. Soeun and I have tried other configurations of
time and activities, and I have done other things before the kids were born,
and may do different things as they get older. But I think for these years I’m happy if we
can plan it so I don’t have any other big commitments, even if it gets mundane
at times!
When I'm not too tired and grumpy I actually really like that I get to see my toddler learning to speak in sentences, and see my preschooler improve his egg cracking skills. And if it means my Cambodian Bible teaching husband is free to do his thing it is defiantly how I want to be spending my time. Plus it brings me in contact with the other leaders wives who are also looking after their kids, and praying for them is possibly even more useful than any Bible or English class I could teach. It just doesn't sound as glamorous or productive in our newsletters, and is usually not as fun and fulfilling.
And home based schooling sounds a whole lot better than what seems to have been the done thing 30 or 40 years ago. Boarding schools seemed to have been the norm for missionaries back then, even for really young kids.
When I'm not too tired and grumpy I actually really like that I get to see my toddler learning to speak in sentences, and see my preschooler improve his egg cracking skills. And if it means my Cambodian Bible teaching husband is free to do his thing it is defiantly how I want to be spending my time. Plus it brings me in contact with the other leaders wives who are also looking after their kids, and praying for them is possibly even more useful than any Bible or English class I could teach. It just doesn't sound as glamorous or productive in our newsletters, and is usually not as fun and fulfilling.
And home based schooling sounds a whole lot better than what seems to have been the done thing 30 or 40 years ago. Boarding schools seemed to have been the norm for missionaries back then, even for really young kids.
Now looking back on July I can see lots of the things that I
enjoy, that are restful and recharging were absent so that tipped the balance a
bit. Not seeing friends, not reading books. And the balance was further
disturbed with extra stresses added in- the water pump and sick kids meant we
had less time to sleep, rest, cook properly and eat. The good things were taken off one end of the
scale, and some bad things added to the other side.
But now it’s almost the end of August and it feels like I
have focus back and balancing is in progress, yay!
Saturday, August 19, 2017
End of " The Summer" surprise
Enduring the late afternoon with two kids screaming at each other is easier than doing it with seven loud, messy kids complete with poo and milk underfoot, right?
Last week I got together with some friends for a playdate for the first time in over a month, also my expats women's Bible study group met for the first time in about 2 months. It was so great to see my friends, most had been away in their passport countries for The Summer, as they call it. Somehow that sleepy grumpy late afternoon time of day is easier with friends, I didn't realise how much I missed them until they came back.
The whole concept of July as The Summer is totally foreign to me, I don't really associate with myself or my family. In my passport country, July is actually winter, and in Cambodia July is not the hottest time of year either (hot season is April). Also none of us study or teach in any international schools. Our main community is the Khmer church, and their timetable doesn't change. So unlike many expats, there is really nothing special about that time of year for me.
Last year lots of expat families moved out of town, leaving in June. There were lots of goodbyes, so that was a distinctive time of year. My Bible study kept meeting the whole way through "The Summer", each week there were at least 3 of us in town so we just kept meeting.
So there was no nice mid- August reunions, as the families who left never came back, and there was no "first meeting of the year" for Bible study group. Also we had some visitors from Aus, and then a friend on maternity leave, so we actually had extra playdates. So I guess that is why I was taken by surprise this year!
July as Summer doesn't feel like it has anything to do with me, but just those two weekly get-togethers with other expat women have such a huge impact on my week, so it turns out The Summer is part of our life. Having those connections with other foreigners either with shared faith or with same age kids (sometimes both) really helps balance out the stress and boredom of the rest of the week.
Last week I got together with some friends for a playdate for the first time in over a month, also my expats women's Bible study group met for the first time in about 2 months. It was so great to see my friends, most had been away in their passport countries for The Summer, as they call it. Somehow that sleepy grumpy late afternoon time of day is easier with friends, I didn't realise how much I missed them until they came back.
The whole concept of July as The Summer is totally foreign to me, I don't really associate with myself or my family. In my passport country, July is actually winter, and in Cambodia July is not the hottest time of year either (hot season is April). Also none of us study or teach in any international schools. Our main community is the Khmer church, and their timetable doesn't change. So unlike many expats, there is really nothing special about that time of year for me.
Last year lots of expat families moved out of town, leaving in June. There were lots of goodbyes, so that was a distinctive time of year. My Bible study kept meeting the whole way through "The Summer", each week there were at least 3 of us in town so we just kept meeting.
So there was no nice mid- August reunions, as the families who left never came back, and there was no "first meeting of the year" for Bible study group. Also we had some visitors from Aus, and then a friend on maternity leave, so we actually had extra playdates. So I guess that is why I was taken by surprise this year!
July as Summer doesn't feel like it has anything to do with me, but just those two weekly get-togethers with other expat women have such a huge impact on my week, so it turns out The Summer is part of our life. Having those connections with other foreigners either with shared faith or with same age kids (sometimes both) really helps balance out the stress and boredom of the rest of the week.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Mostly Mundane
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4th Scorpion we've found inside |
I was thinking about this weeks Velvet Ashes Welcome to the field
Broken water pumps and scorpions are the main thing I've been writing about on fb this month. Just after I wrote the previous post, our 4th scorpion turn up inside. Meanwhile over the last 2 weeks its been mostly no water in the taps for us.
They might seem kind of
exotic and
extreme but actually things are normally not that
Weeks are filled with waiting, washing and wondering.
Waiting for kids to finish dinner.
Waiting for my husband to get home from his evening class.
Washing dirty dishes.
Washing muddy, snotty kids.
Wondering where my son's other shoe is.
Wondering if my husband has had lunch.
Mostly Mundane |
as it might have back in the first year-ish.
Partly because its often a repeat of something I've already been through. The first scorpion inside was way scarier than the fourth. Once you've gone a few days without power the next time around isn' t such a big deal.
And partly because things are easier to cope with once you have routines, relationships and ways to rest.
Thats my experience anyway- it just gets more and more boring each year! ( in a good way)
Wednesday, August 09, 2017
It was dead before I saw it, so glad about that.
I came out of the shower to see Soeun sweeping up bits of a big black scorpion. While he and the kids were having breakfast our son saw something coming in under the door , so he let daddy know. Swiftly taken care of, that was at least our 3rd scorpion inside .
On the same day there was a scorpion discussion on Facebook, someone else just happen to bring up. They were asking what the treatment is for stings from this kind of scorpion. Many people chimed in, and I learnt again, that it just hurts a lot, this type is not deadly. I was reminded that a 4 year old we know was stung recently and he was fine, after a bit. It was great to be reminded and informed, as I think it would be pretty terrifying to see someone in pain from a sting and not know whether they were about to drop dead or not.
I came out of the shower to see Soeun sweeping up bits of a big black scorpion. While he and the kids were having breakfast our son saw something coming in under the door , so he let daddy know. Swiftly taken care of, that was at least our 3rd scorpion inside .
On the same day there was a scorpion discussion on Facebook, someone else just happen to bring up. They were asking what the treatment is for stings from this kind of scorpion. Many people chimed in, and I learnt again, that it just hurts a lot, this type is not deadly. I was reminded that a 4 year old we know was stung recently and he was fine, after a bit. It was great to be reminded and informed, as I think it would be pretty terrifying to see someone in pain from a sting and not know whether they were about to drop dead or not.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Transition within routine!
Normally when I think of transition I think of a huge
upheaval of everything at once. New house in a new country with a new job,
having to find new ways to shop and get around and cook, wash, relax etc etc.
But at the moment most things are the same, happily so, with
just a few changes taking place.
We have been living in the same town in the same house for
over two years now!
Day to day things are so much easier when you have things
set up , habits in place. All the normal stuff just sort of happens by itself
instead of taking so a great amount of effort and planning.
We have friends and groups that we are part of
on a regular basis. We know where to get food, and we have a stove and other
things in our kitchen so we can cook. Soeun
a has regular-ish working week from sat arvo to wednesday night. I have weekly Bible study and sort of weekly
playdates. We know where to go for fun, or when to find out obscure
information. It’s so nice to not have moved house or had a baby for a couple of
years now.
However at the same time, change is happening! I’m starting
to be able to get back into things that were a big feature of my first years
here that I haven’t been able to do in recent years. The further in time we get
from when Soeun was sick , the better he is, and the older the kids get the
less they need me, so I’m finding more opportunities to ride my bike and to sit
in Khmer church again.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Just in the last few weeks the younger toddler suddenly changed! She started counting and singing and recognising the alphabet . She started throwing food on the floor on purpose. Also the last few weeks she hasn't been sleeping for more than 30-60 min at a time so I'm pretty tired. We just changed nappy brands though and she slept through last night, yay!
Friday, June 16, 2017
Homeschooling summit notes
Just some quick notes so I can remember what I learnt.
Recently a Homeschool summit was held over about 2 weeks,
the sessions were live online and then you could watch the replay for free for
each talk within 24 hours after it was given. It was such great timing for me
as I had just started to seriously look into home based education, trying to
work out if its something we could do.
There were only a few sessions I listened to all the way
through, most of them I just had playing, or I dipped in and out just to get
the general vibe. The presenters were mostly VERY enthusiastic homeschooling
parents, and their particular strength or experience was the reason they were
doing a particular session, and a few weren’t hs parents but experts in a particular relevant fields.
Their enthusiasm was interesting for me as I'm mainly approaching this from a practical/convenient view, I don't think I would consider it if I lived in Aus or if there was an obvious choice of school here. Many of these mums choose to do it because it is better for their kids for various reasons, and better for their overall family life.
There were some things which I thought would be good for all
parents, not just homeschooling ones (such as reading aloud and interest based
projects, building character) and other things which were really specific to
home based education (the freedom , how to run a co-op, how to apply for uni).
The first session was about different approaches to homeschooling,
I had just been reading about that so it was great to listen to someone talk
about it more in depth and with lots of enthusiasm and personal stories.
Similar to this:
One thing that was mentioned in this session (can’t remember
in which method) was some use other books rather than history text books to
teach history, maybe they mentioned biographies or something. Anyway that
reminded me that by the time I studies WW2 in year 11 or 12 I had already read
heaps of fiction kids chapter books about it. I think this made it much easier
and more interesting to study.
So that inspired to go to a bookshop and see what books were
there. So far I have just been looking for kids Khmer books, as we have been
given some English kids books suitable for our kids current ages. But during the summit I was looking for books
they can grow into and learn from such as maybe biographies of famous
scientists etc. I found one on solar
cooking and retelling of the Gingerbread man story.
The preschooler LOVES the gingerbread man book, we had to
read it many times the week we bought it. And then he wanted to make
gingerbread men, so we looked that up on youtube, and also tried to learn about
foxes from youtube. He also learnt some new words such as “gobble” and “snout”,
as well as watching a few cartoon versions of the story.
Designing your own Personalised Homeschool
(different approaches eg- school at home, Waldof, etc etc)
Raising Kids of Strong Character
Get out from under the
'Mother Load' and move from Manic to Marvellous (by a self care coach- why
stress is bad for you, how it impacts your kids, how to manage it)
Unschooling : Birth to 5
But what about University?
(explaining the many many different paths to uni in Aus, I didn’t pay much attention
to detail here as these sort of things change but it was good to know that at
the moment there seems to be lots of different ways to get into uni should your
homeschool child want to do that)
Nurturing a Love of Literature
(most sessions made references to reading out loud together but this one was
ALL about that)
Homeschooling Multiples:
Different ages, personalities, and learning styles (learning styles seems to
come up a lot)
100 interviews later: 10
unforgettable lessons I've learned from homeschooling parents,
Natural Learning : Simply
Respectful Parenting
Unschooling our Children,
Deschooling Ourselves
Herding Cats - How to Make Homeschool Groups
Work (this was nuts and bolt info about homeschool co ops in Aus, things like
if you join some homeschooling association you can hire halls and insurance is
covered and you might get a schools discount)
Preparing your homeschooled
or unschooled teen for university (different to the previous topic of how to
get into uni without having done traditional highschool
on instagram look out for
Tuesday, May 09, 2017
Travel so far this year
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Soeun took an electric pump to his mum's house and installed it. Now that she is connected to mains power hopefully she won't need to hand pump all her water! |
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On the same trip he, our son and some other church leaders went to visit the other World Heritage sitein Cambodia, recon for church weekend away later this year.
I already blogged about the lead up to Easter and Khmer New year, here are some photos from the actual day. After church everyone decided a spontaneous trip to a popular picnic spot was in order. Despite the fact that its the hottest time of year, and being a holiday the Baray would be busy it was fun to do something together. Its maybe around 15k out of town, we got to ride in a friends car while some others used our motorbike to get there. Hammock, mats, rice, grilled meat. Millions of Khmer people enjoying swimming and playing during the main holiday of the year!
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Schooling options research: International vs "interntional" vs local plus homebased
We are continuing to think about schooling for our kids. There are lots of schools in the town we live in, although at a first glance none seem like a perfect fit the research continues.
Our research and thoughts so far:
(this is ongoing- this is all new to me, sharing some links so I can read up later, feel free to give input esp if you are an educator or a parent)
Or because having an international education takes priority? Or...?
Mostly the private schools fall into two categories. Some generalisations (according to what I know at this point in time):
Some private International schools are specifically to set up to cater to foreign children who want to have an education that allows them to switch between Cambodia and their passport country and makes it easy for them to apply to universities outside Cambodia. These are mostly all taught in English (or French), and Khmer might be taught as a second language. (that 's my current understanding anyway). These ones are usually quite expensive but as far as I understand the teachers are qualified and have had criminal background checks.
Other private schools might also be called 'international' but seem to be aimed at local Khmer students so there are classes in Khmer but English is so important these days they also have English but usually ESL style. Some of these schools have foreigners working at them who may or may not be properly qualified, but bring their expertise of being native English speakers. They may or may not have had criminal background checks. This could be a big issue as Cambodia seems to be a place where men from Western countries hide from their pedophile charges back in their passport country. Cheaper than the International schools.
The price difference might be something like around 100USD per month verses 500USD per month for primary school. Not taking into account enrollment fees and other one-off or annual fees, and various other things.
For the early years the big difference we noticed between institutions for Khmer and expats is that the expats ones are much more play based, and there are more options. I guess day care/preschool is a new concept here, and school usually means sitting at a desk. I guess traditionally households have lots of adults so the kids can stay home with Grandma until they are desk-ready. We had been hoping to find our kids a play based safe Khmer language place for pre-school years but one we thought might work turned out the carers seemed to all speak English to the kids, and we were sure of safety , and while he was there he seemed to need to move around more at home. We guess he didn't get as much fun and movement there. They didn't have any outdoor space to play in.
Not all school fit into these boxes, there are a few we are looking into at the moment. At the same time we are also considering a combination of local school and home based.
Going to a local government school feels like it would be the natural and cheap way to be part of the community and learn to read and write in Khmer. In all my years associated with Cambodia I think I have only heard of one family doing this. I'm currently trying to learn more about this:
Is it because of safety issues,
or teaching methodology? Or because having an international education takes priority? Or...?
I'm trying to learn more about homeschooling, there are a few websites that explain different approaches such as this one and this one. (the eclectic/ hodge podge approach would be where I would start I think- need to read and research, unschooling sounds crazy!) Sometimes online and distance ed seems to be included in homeschooling, others seem to put that in a different box as parents are more facilitators than teachers (I think, I could be making this up).
And I've joined a few facebook groups so I can listen in on conversations between homeschooling families and the day to day issues and questions they have. I'm also trying to get to know other homeschoolers in town as well as learning more from another facebook group that has many Aussie (and other nationalities) Christian missionary mums in it, many topics discussed, homeschooling often comes up.
Homeschool curriculum seem to be a big industry in America, they seem to be mostly Christian based. For example Sonlight, My Father's World, Timberdoodle , Bob Jones , A Beka etc etc
And there seems to be lots of free stuff online, people often mention Easy Peasy. and an Aussie educator I met with awhile back mention I should look up Singapore maths.
Most ppl I know who homeschool are American, and most resources are from the States but I've got some Aussie home based education sites I want to link here so I can find them later. Distance ed from the gov seems like its only meant to be for 2 years, so not sure if we can do that but we could look into riverside. Aussie sites to read:
An aussie homeschooler writing for new homeschoolers:
An Aussie Christian school that has a distant ed program (recommended by an aussie mum overseas, they use it and like it)
Some also mentioned:
An aussie homeschooler writing for new homeschoolers:
An Aussie Christian school that has a distant ed program (recommended by an aussie mum overseas, they use it and like it)
Some also mentioned:
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