Even though i'm only here for a short time, as its so intense I feel like I've connected with a lot of people and feel like I know a lot of the things that are happening here. The church-wide issues and events get mentioned not only on Sunday from the front but in each Bible study group as people chat and pray. Its a privilege to visit groups and be part of peoples lives for a short time. Actually we have been part of their lives over the years in various ways, but this week I'm are actually here in person..
Most of the groups I visited this time around I did an activity that involved them listening to me speak Khmer and dressing up in Cambodian scarves! This was an opportunity for me to get a photo of the group. I also did the memory matching game , but with some new Khmer trivia this time. After that I told the watering can story, with the help of a borrowed watering can and a power point pres.
For some groups that took up most of the evening/afternoon, others also did their Bible study. Most groups seem to be doing 1 Thess in synch with the sermons, others are KYB groups.
Lots of meals with people. yesterday and today lunch with KYB groups and folded serviettes (see photos).

Re met a girl who remembers me as her sunday school teacher (she's a grown up now!!). I've met some new people, some people I think I knew from when I was school age, or they knew me or my family from back then, some people I re met after only meeting them on my last 2 visits (July 2011, July 2010). I also saw lots of familiar faces at church but didn't have time to say hi to everyone.