Monday, July 26, 2021

3800 and something

 Just 3 months ago we were at 40, now almost 4000 cases in our province!

The children and I enjoyed these 3 book. Historial fiction! So reading them outloud counts as History and English as well as being family time.

It also tied in with vaccines and diseases. The main characters had to be quarantined as the girl had measles. My children asked "What is measles?"

Kids theses days mostly don't need to know about measles which is amazing as for centuries  it was such a big problem and would have been common knowledge.

It was fun that came up during the 2 week vaccine drive in our town. All 3 adults in the house went out to get our first dose of Sinopharm.

Another fun by product of these book is that now the kids have asked to do chores! The children in the books have daily household jobs they call chores, so now our children want some as well. Long may it last.

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