Monday, August 16, 2010

I just got back from spending a night in the province with a family. The idea is that it's good for my khmer language, as I have to hear it and speak it all the time there (as opposed to when I'm in the city living with an English speaker and going to English classes). And over the years these visit have been good for that, but its also hard as I'm tired pretty much the whole time I'm there. I always feel a bit gross after the long bus ride, and I don't really sleep well there. I'm not used to the beds, also they get up really early. They sell breakfast food on the street. This means they need to get up around 3.30am to start cooking so they can be set up in time for when people want to buy breakfast. I think it mostly happens from 5.30am onwards.

I usually sleep in their one bedroom, while everyone else sleeps in big room where everything happens. But this time the bedroom had students in it, so I slept in the big room with everyone. That meant there was a big pot of rice porridge being cooked near my head at 3.30am!

I'm trying to start watching more Khmer TV. I'm looking for a TV series/drama that I can get interested in and watch regularly. i did that in 2008, but once that series ended I stopped watching.

Kimsoeun has had a headache all day.

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