Sunday, August 11, 2013

Settling back in...

It was weird coming back after being away for 3 months. Trying to remember where we keep things in the kitchen and which TV channels have which numbers, so many new buildings, roads etc.

The baby is mostly sleeping at night now, and feeding is much easier than those first few weeks. I don't have a sore back anymore, and there are lots of different places I can feed him so feels more relaxed. And i guess once you do something for awhle it just gets easier. I was given a kindle so i've been downloading and reading lots of free books while I feed. I don't think I could have done that in the first weeks.

I've been spending time with neighbours thanks to the the fact that the baby prefers to be outside with people than inside with boring mummy and daddy. Other kids around here the same size as him seem to be 10 months old! He is bigger than a khmer baby.

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