Tuesday, September 28, 2010

new year etc

The Bible school started back this week, new year, new students, Kimsoeun has new subjects to teach. (I wrote this last week)

Mid Autumn festival 2003, I was given so many mooncakes!
This year the students weren't welcomed back with a flooded campus like last year. Since 2008 the campus fills up with water at this time of year, but this week it's been ok.

During term time I eat dinner and breakfast with students so first week back means new routine for me even though I don't work at school. It's nice to see everyone again, and eat pork and rice for breakfast.

The Bible school campus the other week- a little wet!
This week I went to visit a Khmer friend. We ate moon cakes and fished as we sat on her neighbour's bed. Even though the water around her house is not so high this week there is still enough to go fishing!

She had bought moon cakes at the market as this week China was having their mid autumn festival.

Dried fish hanging in our kitchen

Kimsoeun has been a bit sick recently, so currently has red welts all over his back see "What colour is the wind?"

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