Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Why is her nose so pointy?"
"Because she eats lots of bread."

I overheard my friend and her curious 3 year old son talking about me. Us white people are known as having pointy nose and eating bread (as opposed to rice) so I'm not surprised to hear them linked but it is still funny. I'm not sure whether she was joking or not. Maybe her son will grow up believing white people have pointy noses because they eat bread?

I've learnt a lot so far from this friend "L", just by hanging out with her. We work together and half a year ago we started praying together once a week too.

This week as I was leaving her place I commented on the nice view of the sunset and palm trees I could see from her front door. She laughed. The sunset to her is sad, not beautiful. The end of the day, like the end of someone's life.

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