Thursday, October 30, 2008

The stuck truck and the gas guy

The other day a truck got stuck on a near by road (You know things are bad when a tow truck needs to get towed.) Well the next afternoon it was still there as you can see in the photo. By the evening it was gone.

Our gas for cooking is delivered by a guy on a moto. The gas bottles are so big and heavy, I'm always amazed they can make it over the roads and through the traffic which a heavy metal bottle on the back. But look at this guy! It must be even harder with the water.

Our boat-car

Going through the water in the car feels like you're in a boat. You can hear and feel the water swishing around the sides and underneath.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Water..water.. Why? Why?

For over two months our area of the city has been flooded, it wasn't like this last rainy season. There was a bit of flooded for a short while, and it also flooded in a nearby part of town. This year that part of town didn't flood, landlords said it's because this year they are pumping water out of town.. to the area we live in it seems. There are major drainage and pumping issues in Phnom Penh these days. Here is what the Phnom Penh Post has to say about it today: Flooding forces school closures.
Missed classes and the risk of disease are the results of nearly two months of deluge that educators in Russey Keo district blame on poorly planned development projects

And someone else wrote this: A disaster resilient city?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Border talks

Thai and Khmer leaders have had some talks about the border tensions, and plan to have some more. Most recent Phnom Penh article:

Border talks results limited

"This meeting couldn't solve the problem of troop withdrawals. We just tried to work to prevent any clashes in future," said Sok Pheap, chief of the Cambodia-Thai relations office.

Friday, October 24, 2008

You know things are bad when a tow truck needs to get towed!

Well yesterday I had a muddy experience and today I took photos of more mud. The first photo is of a yellow cab tow truck trying to pull a red and blue truck out of the mud. This truck is huge and its just sitting in the middle of the road, stuck. There is also a green bus that looks like it's stuck on the side of the road.

But the tow trucked failed to pull out the red and blue truck- it had to be towed itself, by this bright yellow earth mover. Did I mention our roads are bad? Its so hard to go anywhere. This morning I took a photo of the road outside school, as the tuk tuk tried to make its way through the flood. Well, that was at around 8am, now its the afternoon and its heaps more flooded.

Here are some photos from the Bible school graduation that was held today. If you read my previous blog post about the slippery mud, you can imagine what it was like for everyone to get to the school today. In one of these photos you can see some guys pushing a tuk tuk through the flooded road. I took it this morning while people were arriving. Since then it has rained some more. I heard some stories about cars and trucks getting stuck.
You can also see a photo of one of the students preparing the take away lunch of rice, meat and egg we all ate today.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Coffee and mud

Well today I woke up and went downstairs to our kitchen. As usual I began to make coffee for Soeun, and decided I would have some as well. As I was spooning the coffee into the plunger (French Press), I saw something strange.
I wasn't quite awake yet, so it took awhile for me to work out. I had dug the spoon down into the tin of coffee and when I brought it up again, nestled in the ground coffee was the body of a large cockroach! Ewwww! (or "eh eh" in Khmer). It made me feel sick, I thought I was about to vomit. We almost drank cockroach infused coffee. Depending on when it got into the tin, we may have been already drinking cockroach coffee.........
From my reaction you would never guess that I spent some years living in inner city Sydney. There were cockroaches everywhere in my house those days, in the weetbix box, in the cup of tea, on the baked pumpkin, in the kettle. But I don't see them much these days.
When I was ready to go out for the day, I got on my bike and rode towards the school gate that leads on to a road that we haven't seen for 2 months because of the water. As I was going out the students coming in warned me that the road was really bad today.
I already had my jeans rolled up so hopefully they wouldn't get wet when I went through the water, I knew the road was flooded.
But when I got past the flooded bit I found out why they were warning me. It was really muddy and slippery. It was a kind of muddy I hadn't encountered before, and I have been in a lot of mud, especially in the last 2 months. This mud was really sticky and had to walk through. My rubber flip flops got left behind as I walk, so I tried carrying them (which made my hands muddy). But then I found my feet couldn't grip the ground enough to walk, so I put them back on. I was walking my bike at this stage, but thought perhaps if I ride my bike the speed and weight will get me through this sticky patch.
So I got on my bike.
Well, attempted to anyway. My feet slipped from under me, and my bike and I fell into the mud. My bag fell out of my bike basket and got muddy too. Everything so muddy and slippery.
So there I was in the middle of the road, during the morning peak time, trying to get up, but it was just soo slippery. Then out of nowhere a lady who works in the school office walked towards me and helped my get my bike upright. After that I was able to be on my way. Although I still had to battle traffic jams, which was hard as going slowly when your feet and your flip flops are caked in slippery mud is not easy. I tried to scrape some of the mud off but there was still a lot there.
Anyway, I finally got to where I was going and scraped and scrubbed it all off. My jeans and bag and bike are yet to be de-mudded.
I didn't get hurt and I was in a good mood, so it was more an amusing experience that traumatic.

Lost homework of Khmer student

The power often goes off, and yesterday it went off when one of the Bible School students was writing an essay on the computer in the library. So Soeun spent the evening trying to recover it , but with no luck.
The students here usually write their homework by hand, but this particular piece had to be typed. Not many students know much about computers so it must be quite a challenge for some.
I don't think any of them would have their own computer, but many do have flash drives, and there are a few computers in the library they can use. This particular student had borrowed some one's flash drive to use in the library. Soeun checked both the flash and the computer but there was nothing saved. I think the school computers wipe anything new when they are shut down- which it terrible for people when the power goes off , or if they don't know how to save it on to a flash or have a flash to use.

A day of language study

Yesterday I spent the morning reading out load by myself. I read some bits of the Khmer Bible, and some simple Bible stories in Khmer.

At lunch I ate with the students, then Soeun's small group came to our house for their small group time.

I sat and listened as Soeun led a conversation about some small group matters. I was excited to find I could follow the conversation. I usually eat with students and try to listen to what they are talking about. The structured conversation was much easier to understand.

In the afternoon I read out loud to my language tutor, similar stuff that I read in the morning.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I took these photos on Sunday. The flooded road in the bottom photo isn't one of the ones near our house that is chronically flooded. I think this water was just there because there was a big storm during the night. Recently we have had really heavy rain with thunder and lightening, enough to wake us up. I'm so glad I live in a big brick house. I wonder what its like for people that live in other kinds of shelters?

What is happening now?

Photos: Border photos from the weekend

Well, since I last wrote about the border stuff there have been a few talks, and there are more planned for later this week. I heard mixed reports about the talks so far, some sounded good, some not good. Some third parties, such as Malaysia have offered to help, but I don't think that offer has been taken up.

Border talks pushed back, troops dig in
This headline was in yesterdays Phnom Penh Post, here are some quotes from it:

Negotiations to be held Friday as soldiers from both sides prepare for a protracted standoff over disputed border territories

They are on alert and the number of troops is increasing on each side.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Things people have been talking and thinking about

“Over the past century its (Cambodia’s) life has been grossly tampered with by many outsiders. By France…By Japan… By the United States…By China…By Vietnam…By the Soviet Union…” (pge 251)

From Cambodia: Report from a Stricken Nation, Henry Kamm, Arcade Publishing, 1998

Pray that doesn't happen again.

"The country's precise area -- 181,035 square km -- is drummed into every schoolchild, and any perceived squeezing of its borders is taken as a personal affront by many of its 13 million people.

"You have to defend your house," said 48-year-old motorbike taxi driver Chea Sokean, 48. "If the Thai troops want to steal our house, we have to chase them away.""

From this article

Our "rivers" 2 months later

About 2 months ago I took some photos of the roads around our place "Who needs rivers when we have roads like this?"
Well, here are some photos of what it looks like now! Still flooded. You may remember from the photos there was piles of gravel along one side of the road. They have been washed away now, but you can see in this photo something like sandbanks have developed across the road.

The water isn't so much a red brown colour that is was before, more black and green after sitting there for so long. The road just out side the school still has a bit of water on it too. Other than the road you see in the photo, there is another way into town. I had never used the old long way but now I use it all the time.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Conflict over the conflict

I listened to the 7pm news on the radio. We get Radio Australia and BBC World service. I flipped between the two of them so I got to hear both. They both said that both sides had agreed to patrol the border so there would be no more fighting. But I'm hearing very very different things around me. Not sure what is happening up in Preah Vihear, but this headline reflects some peoples feelings.
Stung Cambodians say ready to take on Thais

Something to sing about!

“Our home is girt by sea!”

Well thinking out border disputes means I’m starting to understand why we Aussies have this line in our national anthem.

With this heighten sense of nationalism that is around me I want to ask Aussies if they can try to use the word ‘girt ”in a sentence this week. Let me know how you go.

Remains of fallen Khmer soldiers

Some photo links

Remains of fallen Khmer soldiers

Civilian evacuation from Preah Vihear (don't forget to read the comment!)

So yesterday there was some fighting, and from what people said it sounded like Khmer was winning and captured some Thai soldiers. Then the Thais wanted to negotiate, but some Khmer don't trust them, why do they want to do that now, when they didn't before? But last night on TV they said they will be having talks today.

Just found out that a 3rd Khmer has been found dead. Third Cambodian soldier found dead

KI Media might be able to fill you in.

3 Khmer dead from fight yesterday

Fighting in Preah Viheah You tube link
I haven't watched it yet Soeun just recommended it, and here is a link to a blog Soeun has been reading about why it might be happening , from both sides Cambodia Thai war and the hidden agenda

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Two dead in fighting on Cambodian border this article has a summary of the background, so I'll post is here:
The background in a nutshell (taken straight from AFP on KI Media)
"The stand-off between the neighbours first flared in July after Preah Vihear was awarded World Heritage status by the UN cultural body UNESCO, angering some Thai nationalists who still claim ownership of the site.
The situation quickly escalated into a military confrontation, with up to 1,000 Cambodian and Thai troops facing off for six weeks, although both sides in August agreed to reduce troop numbers in the main disputed area.
Tensions flared again this week after failed talks on Monday aimed at cooling the months-long standoff.
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen then issued an ultimatum to the Thai side after he accused more than 80 Thai soldiers of entering one of a handful of disputed areas -- telling Bangkok to leave or risk conflict.
Cambodian officials insisted that the troops did leave before the Tuesday mid-day deadline, but Sompong said they were standing their ground.The Cambodian-Thai border has never been fully demarcated, in part because it is littered with landmines left over from decades of war in Cambodia."


Fighting erupts along Thai Cambodian border
and for the latest I'm checking the KI Media site, it gets news from a few different places, and you can read the comments from khmer ppl too


To recap, on Monday the PM of Cambodia Hun Sen said that if the Thai troops didn't move back by Tuesday (yesterday) he would start fighting. When I posted yesterday afternoon the on lone news said that the troops had moved back, but people here and the Bangkok post said they hadn't. And when I came online just now (its about 9am wed)this is what I found:
Death zone cartoon (Soeun pointed out features in here I didn't notice at first)
and heaps of articles on KI Media here is one:

Phnom Penh announces Thai pullout , Bangkok denies
and another one
Thai sends more troops to Cambodian border

and don't forget to read the comments on KI media articles.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Later the same day...

Some background to this issue is posted here. That was written in July, you can read about what's been happening this month is my last few posts.

Well since I posted this morning, according to some reports Thai soldiers have moved back! This is good news as last night the Prime Minister said if they didn't move today there would be war.

Here is a link to an article and some comments Troops retreat from disputed border
And to find out the latest have a look on the KI Media site

I checked the Bangkok Post and it had an article for today saying that they wouldn't retreat. I can't see a time on this, its just under "breaking news". Thai army ready to defend sovereignty

And now the Phnom Penh Post has an article about it, but if you read the headlines in my previous blog post its nothing new. Cambodia warns of war after border talks

I guess I'm posting all these links and headline because I don't want to put any sensitive info on my blog, but by reading the headlines and the people's comments you might get an idea of what people here are talking about. I think in these situations its easy for rumours to start, so i'm not sure who or what to believe. This article has about 88 comments, you can see what I mean : Thai troops pull out from Veal Entry

On a different note, here is something we often talk about, Free education costs a fortune

Thai/Khmer relations update

More headlines from KI Media from yesterday and today, as well as peoples comments at the end of the articles. I can't write about the rumours I'm hearing, so I'll just give you some headlines, some of these articles are similar, KI collects thems from various sources. If you just read down throught the headlines you'll get the gist of what's going on, if you want to know more you can click on a headline to read the article, and have a look at the comments!

From yesterday:

Thai , Cambodian ministers in border dispute talks, this article is short and gives some background

Cambodia, Thailand resume talks on border spat

Thai, Cambodian ministers fail to solve border row

Cambodia, Thailand set timeframe to resolve border disputes

Last night we watched the news and the Prime Minister was talking about this: Hun Sen asks Thailand to pull out its troops from Veal Entry within 24 hours...otherwise war will be waged

Cambodia warns Thailand again in border dispute
Cambodia warns Thai over border

Cambodian PM gives border ultimatum this one has some comments which reflects the nationalistic feeling. As an Aussie, border disputes are totally foreign to me as our home is girt by sea.

Cambodian PM tells Thailand he will fight more nationalistic comments. "Yuon"is what Khmers sometimes call Vietnamese.

Cambodia warns Thailand to stop trespassing

Cambodia warns Thailand its patience wearing thin over border spat (lots of comments)

And from today so far (I'm posting at about 10am, so no doubt KI Media will add some more later on today)....

Thai border talks produce no results

Leave disputed area or face "death zone" Cambodia tells Thailand this one has a photos and heaps and heaps of comments

War threat [Sompong; no Thai troops will be withdrawn as of now]

And here is a link to some photos that were taken in July of the troops and the temple. : John Vink

Monday, October 13, 2008

Border update

KI Media posted some more on the border issues over the weekend. And for each story there are lots of comments, in English, by Khmer and others.
Also there are some photos of Khmer people protesting in Germany and Austria outside the Thai embassies, but I only put links for the other posts:
Thailand increased troop deployments along the borders
Military confrontations between Khmer and Thai troops are increasingly tense
Thai, Cambodian foreign ministers resume talks on lingering border dispute

and today the Thai FM visits Cambodia

Friday, October 10, 2008

Border crisis

Today's Phnom Penh Post has this photo and caption A new front line, as well as this article called : Border crisis a call to arms.

Back in the news- Border issue

In July you may remember hearing about Thai and Khmer troops at the border because of a dispute about land. It seems like this issue has been around for ages, maybe almost 1000 years.

In the last few days people have been talking about it more. Some links if you want to find out more:

KI Media has this: "Thailand intent to go to war with Cambodia?" and earlier on this one.

This blog brings together border news from different sources.

Some Cambodian news online (links).

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Slave trade today

"There are more slaves today than ever before in human history," Dillon said in an interview. "In 2007, slave traders made more money than Google, Nike and Starbucks combined."

This is from an article you can read here.

And read about what is happening in Cambodia here.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Mental Health in Cambodia

A quote from a Phnom Penh Post article, click text to read article.

This lack of understanding is compounded by a severe lack of resources - there are only 26 psychiatrists and 40 psychiatric nurses in the entire country.

How common is it?

The Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation - a mental health NGO that has worked in Cambodia since 1995 - estimates that some 30 percent of the population suffer from mental health problems, the majority of which go un-treated. In comparison, they estimate the current figure in most Western countries is four percent. "

And from a book that came out ten years ago:

“Cambodia today is also a ward of untreated psychiatric illnesses that have their principle origin in the four years of the genocide. Twelve psychiatrists practiced in Cambodia before 1975; none were left after the despots fall.” (pg 14”)

Cambodia: Report from a Stricken Nation, Henry Kamm, Arcade Publishing, 1998

These days we have been...

Kimsoeun loves eating Korean spicy cabbage dish called kimchi (not sure how to spell it). Here are some photos of him making some the other day.
Recently I have been wondering about some things such as: When will our roads will reemerge from the water? How should a person from a developed country live, when they are living in a developing country as part of a local family (I miss Medicare has some of my thoughts)? What an interesting and useful book China Ramblings is.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Do you have a Bible?

Facts about Bible Poverty (click to see Vision2025)

Languages spoken in the world: 6,912

Languages needing Bible translation work to begin: 2,251

Languages with some or all of the Bible: 2,426

Population of people groups waiting for work to begin:193M

Click here to read a story about someone explaining to a man why there was no one to help translate the Scriptures into his language.

Friday, October 03, 2008


I still hadn’t fallen asleep, which wasn’t strange as we weren’t sleeping at home in our own bed. Also, I could hear a rat moving around the bedroom. When it sounded like it was close to my head I woke up Soeun.

“Rat! There’s a rat in here!”

I think I expected him to join me in my panic. Flick the light on, throw his hands in the air and run around yelling “Rat! Rat! ”

But instead I heard I sleepy mumble from his pillow, “Yeah there’s lots of rats in here.”

Understand a little already, easy to learn a bit more

Recently I’ve been watching a cooking show on TV (on CTN, Saturdays, 10.30-11am, its actually an Ajinomoto (MSG) promo). Its a fun way to practise my listening skills and learn a bit more.

Before they cook something they go through all the ingredients: show it on the screen, say the name of it and also have the name written on the screen. Lots of the basic ingredients I can already understand and read the names of (esp when there are visuals!). The ones I don’t know I try to learn during the course of the show.

As I watch and listen I try to understand what they are saying as they are doing it. I have already done some cooking with Soeun, and with my language helpers. So watching and listening is helping to reinforce cooking words and learn new words too. As well as ingredients words, other common words are things like boil, fry, put, mix, stir.

Want to read more about language learning? Prilz wrote on her blog (click here) about what she does with her language helper, and Suzanne wrote a piece about language learning here.