Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bible storytelling workshop

I spent the last few days with a group of semi strangers having an intense time. We were being trained in a particular way of crafting a Bible story, and learning how to use it in various ways.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

blurry vision, airport visit, enjoying our place

 Last week was a good week for Soeun. Relatively speaking he was healthy, he had an intensive class, so it was really exhausting but he made it through the week. I sent an email to our prayer partners to let them know. We were really thankful for this as last time he had a class it took almost 2 months before he was well enough to do anything.

But this week he has struggled to see clearly, blurry vision is one of the problems caused by his inner ear migraine. Not being able to focus his eyes well enough to read is really hindering his study, as you can imagine. He is more healthy than last year, but its still an ongoing issue. We're both really sick of living with sickness!

One thing that has made this week bearable is that we enjoy where we are living this year. We have our own space to relax in. The recent public holiday was a really nice day, I spent the whole day inside watching the rain and reading.
Yesterday I went to the airport to say goodbye to a team going to Indonesia!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Friday, June 08, 2012

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

amanuensis, i don't know how to say or spell it

Soeun is trying to do the reading for his next subject, he has to keep looking words up in the dictionary. Sometimes the words aren't even there...like allonymity.

He's feeling relatively healthy this week which is nice, although feeling very behind on study (he was sick for almost 2 months) and it doesn't help that we have sick family overseas at the moment.

The weekend was so dark and gloomy, I'd forgotten what that kind of weather is like, i felt like staying in bed and drinking something warm, todays weather has been crazy too as the SMH can tell and show you.

So glad to have somewhere to be inside! Also glad to have warm food and drink.

And enjoying the fact that I can join a local library and borrow books and dvds for free, including books that have only just come out, like this jeffery archer book.