Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Teachers needed!

HOPE School is a Christian School which supports missionary families by offering a high quality, yet affordable education.

Please spread the word that they desperately need more teachers to begin in August 2007. Many teachers are leaving at the end of this semester.

If you know anyone who is a qualified teacher who is willing to serve in Cambodia, please give them the following information:

School email address:
School website is http:/

I have some friends who work here and some who are students here and they love it- except for the lack of teachers coming up soon.

Looking for food

We sometimes see Vuthy in our back yard trying to find some food. Once he was picking the leaves from the vine on the fence, another time he was looking for frogs in the drain. You can see him here climbing a tree to get coconuts. I am used to the idea of picking food from the veggie patch for lunch , but KS and Vuthy also pick food from anywhere else! Once KS made a soup from the vine leaves, and he often picks the "drawcoon" that grows on the grass around college.

Streets of Phnom Penh

Here are some random photos of what we see around us, people on motos, people selling things and monks in tuk tuks.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Wedding photo of us

The photo guy told us to put on a serious face. So my new husband did that and I tried my hardest!

Drinking Coke at home

"Swa" as I call him at home enjoying some Coke. You can see the oven to the left, my old housemate gave it to us. Cambodian kitchens don't have oven, so its great to have this and cook yummy things like choclate pudding and apple crumble! It uses lots of power though, which is expensive here.

Random photos

Motos are are common way of getting around. Most women sit sidesaddle like this. I used to but after doing it for a few months my back got really sore. Lucky for me there is a French physio in town. So now I always sit straight- actually I try not to go on motos unless I really need to. In the background you might be able to see someone selling watermelons.

The uni campus is nice. Here you can see some water, a tree and the motorbike park- count the motos!

After a meal

So many different kinds of fruit in Cambodia. Some of it leaves lots of rubbish- the seeds and the skin. So after a meal there is often a big pile to clean up.

Cutting coconuts

KS is chopping off the top of a coconut so he can stick the straw in and drink the juice. The fruit came from a tree at a friends house, I have a picture of Vuthy climbing up to get it.

Plastic seller

People carry the most amazing amount of stuff on bikes and motos. The first week I was here I saw a washing machine on a moto. This guy looks like he sells or delivers plastic stuff. Taken from car window.

Soeun riding moto.

Here is KS riding his moto. Last night we all went out for dinner. I ended up going in T and T's car so instead of sitting on the back of his moto I was taking photos of him our the car window.

One one side of the college campus is this soccer/football field. Almost every weekday afternoon KS and other staff and students use it, as you can see here. KS has red shorts on. I took this photo from the roof of one of the college classroom buildings. This other photo I took from the same place but facing in towards college. You can see the volley ball court, and the buildings go in a U shape around it. The covered raised area in the middle is where meals are, off to the right are th boys dorms.

This is our back yard. Our water filter is that grey thing on the right, thats how we do our drinking water. We have a big container inside we fill up from the filter. (Our back door is just off the right of the photo.) Can you see our washing line? Its some white string KS put up from the fence to our kitchen window. Its got a blue peg frame on it in this photo. Next to our place is the girls dorms. When I hang out the washing I can see into their back area where they wash their clothes in plastic basins on the ground. The buliding beyond that is the new worship hall. The wall to the left is the college fence topped with barbed wire. And you can see the drain with the blue water pipes on top.

My bike!

Last year I mainly went places on motor bike taxis (motodups). This year I'm mostly using my bike, its much cheaper and it doesn't give me a sore back like the motos do. KS took this photo of my the other morning at 7am as I set out for class. Even though its early in the day I like to wear the long sleeve shirt and mask for sun (and dust and petrol fume) protection. I ride straight into the sun for most of the trip so the sunnies are pretty important too.
Behind me you can see our house. Our front door is the one on the right of me in the photo.
Its nice having grass out the front, and trees. Last year I really missed seeing greeness and having space outside. Living on campus is great!

Friday, May 25, 2007

More about us

Who are Kimsoeun and Katherine?

Kimsoeun was born in Cambodia during the infamous Pol Pot war time. In his teens he became a Christian and studied, then worked at a Bible school. After four years of study in Australia at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) he now is back in Cambodia teaching at the same Bible college.

While at SMBC he met Katherine, a fellow student who was there preparing for life in China.
However Katherine's long terms plans changed. K & K became husband and wife at the end of 2006. In 2007 KS will continue teaching at the Bible college, while Katherine learns Khmer language and teaches English part time .

Please partner with us!

K&K would like your help as they serve In Cambodia. They would love if you could response in one or more of these ways.

Below are some things you can pray for them all year round. We suggest you cut them out and stick them on our prayer card, or somewhere that will remind you to pray for them. If you would like monthly updates please ask to receive our regular "KKKK" by emailing us. If you don't have our prayer card yet please ask for one.

Thank God for the privilege of serving him together.

For maturity in our relationship with the Lord, and for our marriage.

For our health and safety.

That we remain a gospel-minded.

That Kimsoeun would be an effective and humble teacher of future church leaders.

That Katherine would be a diligent and enthusiastic language and culture learner.

2. Give!

Using an approved (custom made) budget K&K are asking for financial partners.

An accountant in Australia will be managing their money. If you want to know how to give please ask us.

3. Keep in Touch- By receiving our KKKK you can keep in touch, and we'd love to get emails from you too. Another way to learn about our world is to come and visit. Cambodia has lots for tourists to do, or you could come on a short term mission or mission exposure trip. Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) has a large team in Cambodia and there are many ways at short termer can be useful in this context, either in a team or as an individual. Check the OMF website under “Serve Asia”.

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